Professionally Now Otherwise Engaged - E_FEWTIME

Christopher J. Ruwe

New Layout

September 15, 2018. 125 words.

Over time I have observed that most technical issues are blogged and re-blogged in a huge number permutations. I do not like to add to that heap of sometimes manure, often squabble, so I myself blog at infrequent intervals; but when I do, I feel I have an overlooked aspect to add and so, my blog posts are long and more like essays.

I consider Edward Tufte to be the master of technical presentation, like that style very much and have found Clay Harmon’s adaption of the Tufte theming to Jekyll very much to my liking and a better fit for my needs.

I have thus re-themed the site and am - even with some rough edges still present - pleased with the result.

New Layout - September 15, 2018 - Christopher J. Ruwe